We got to see this little birdie yesterday at our 24 week scan where they checked for heart defects, they told us she was perfect, her growth is on track to the day.
She has grown so much since our 20 week scan, her face has really filled out and guys she is soooooo cute. She really looks just like Harper when he was born, she has the same mouth and nose. I love her so much.
My placenta had not yet moved but there is still plenty of time, I'll be having another scan in the final trimester to check if its moved and to be sure the heart defect has not developed, as it sometimes doesn't until the final trimester.
I'm feeling so big, everyone is commenting on how much I've popped.
16 weeks to go bring it on!
still keeping my fingers crossed for you. she does look cute and i bet you are really excited to finally hold her in your arms. xxx